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Pregnancy is a time when your body is changing rapidly, and you need to take special care of yourself. Proper nutrition during pregnancy will benefit you and your baby for years to come. You should eat a variety of fruits and vegetables and lean meat. In addition, you should take folic acid supplements to reduce the risks of birth defects and low birth weight.


Although you can increase your intake of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids while pregnant, a balanced diet is essential. You should make sure your diet includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as low-fat dairy products. Then, try to limit your sugar intake. Eating too much sugar and salt can cause water retention and high blood pressure. Additionally, too many sweet foods will fill you with empty calories, which you should avoid.

                                  IRON INTAKE

It is important for pregnant women to get adequate amounts of iron. Iron is essential for producing hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues. During pregnancy, you need twice as much iron as before pregnancy. Eating foods high in vitamin C, calcium, and iron will help your body absorb more iron. Iron is also important to your baby’s health, since he or she will be receiving double the amount of blood as you do.

                                   CONSUME ENOUGH PROTEINS

A woman should also get enough protein. Proteins are important for maintaining muscle tissue and growth. A woman should aim to consume about 70 grams of protein daily. However, this amount can vary depending on her activity level and weight. Talk to your health care provider to get a better idea of what you need. Some of the best sources of protein include eggs, poultry, fish, and dairy products. In addition to these, you can also get protein from nuts, dried beans, and lentils.

                                   DRINK PLENTY OF WATER

It is also important for pregnant women to get plenty of water. Not only will this help your body to maintain its normal functioning, but it will also help reduce nausea and other pregnancy symptoms. If you are pregnant, you should avoid eating foods that contain artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and sugar. You should also avoid undercooked seafood, raw meat, and raw eggs.

                                 FOOD CRAVINGS IN PREGNANCY

Many women experience cravings for specific foods during pregnancy. This is normal and isn’t always indicative of a nutrient deficiency. However, it is important to meet your cravings within reason and ensure that your body is getting enough nutrients. If your cravings persist, you should make an effort to change your diet.

                                 CALCIUM INTAKE

Calcium is an essential mineral for pregnant women and their babies. It helps build bones and regulates body fluids. You should aim for a minimum intake of 1,000 mg of calcium daily. You can take two 500-mg supplements a day, but your doctor may recommend additional calcium supplements. Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects, which affect the brain and spinal cord of your baby. Iron also helps to increase blood flow, which ensures that the mother and baby receive the right amount of oxygen.

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